Thursday, July 12, 2012

Manipulated salaries and false titles in the workplace

Management. It is for those few plebs that lay in the gritty grime of subordinate work in their grandmother's moth-ridden, woolen jumper that are the gullible ones. Titles such as 'management' and 'supervisor', or even 'assistant manager' are often covertly abused and contorted to mask the manipulative proclivities of businesses that are trying to "milk the cow". It is the sort of scenario that would make Chuck Palahniuk vomit bilious Arial font onto his latest irreverent rambling about work-aholism.

Scenario: Management position with catering service starting at a base salary of $50,000. Say that you're someone who has never had such prestige lapping the dried and torn ego hanging from your rosy dickhead and you're offered this position after attaining some arbitrarily chosen bachelor's degree. A base salary of $50,000 is akin to being scouted by a talent agency for an oddly placed mole on your face at this point. As this is full-time work, you assume that this is 40 hours per week. Well, there are 52 weeks in a year which therefore results in 50,000/52, which is then divided by 40. This transpires to be $24.00 per hour, which is a respectable income at this point in your life. You then receive your schedule and notice all of a sudden, they have scheduled you for 55 hours per week, with you being invariably exempt (doh!) from paid overtime due to this being an 'administrative' position. Suddenly, your income is actually $17.50 per hour. $6.50 less than originally provoked. It is a manipulative numbers game and a lot of businesses out there are cognizant of what they are doing in 'scouting' new talent with their unadulterated naivety and wide-eyed innocence. They will float prestigious sounding titles in your line of vision, whilst knowing they can pay you less, work you more, and generally invest in your training to avoid paying someone of vast expertise $10,000 extra per year (who would perhaps be more abreast on the politics of salaried incomes).

Next time you go out and blow your benjamins on a bespoke suit for your newly salaried position, as to impress the GM's and highbrow cunts, consider sponging as much as you can from a local homeless shelter as to treat the position with as much weariness as these companies treat your free time with.

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