Monday, June 25, 2012

The Islamic Republic of (not so Great) Britain

     If you were to peruse your local bookstore a few years ago, the political section would have been inclusive of some irreverent Jon Stewart book with inaccurate quotes on the back heralding the title as 'exceptional' (though, don't get me wrong, I enjoy his cheekiness). These days, in a more pertinent movement, one will find books encompassing the fluid turmoil that is surreptitiously permeating the clammy democracy of Western civilization: such as America Alone by Mark Steyn and another promising title named Londonistan by Melanie Phillips. Firstly, America Alone isn't what most stoic citizens, dazed in a vacuously poised position of erectile finger from dialing some instrument each day from 9-5, would describe as a vicious diatribe or an  immorally xenophobic piece of work. America Alone is a highly educated, insightful, cognizant man's exasperation toward a particular belief system which has evolved into a threatening body of incited hatred and furtive overpowering of Western democracy. Mark Steyn describes the lack of assimilation from radical Islamists, the vulnerability of moderate Muslims toward radicalism, the flagrant double standard that is created in lieu of 'multiculturalism' and a beautiful litany of what would be feasible options toward remediation. If anyone has ever been to east London, a block or two from Green street, then you would appreciate the unbridled influx of immigrants (some of who, but not all, have ill intentions toward the United Kingdom). As I saw when strolling down that street, a fleet of Muslims dressed in niqabs, protesting against other beliefs which continued without disruption. It is disgusting behavior to see in a country which has already been exploited both internally by its own people and externally by immigration with the exploitative propensities. Mark Steyn wipes away the curdled custard from the pie and reveals what really is happening in America Alone. Steyn quips witty labels to put the argument into perspective with the aptly Eurabia being ascribed to Europe. He also discusses how multiculturalism wont work with a said group of people who ultimately do not want to assimilate, but rather remain autonomous with the eventual desire to create the foundations toward a tyranny state under Sharia Law. He creates salient arguments and is so staunch in his views, that he could care less whether an irate pleb label him a racist, intolerant islamophobe or a flaking donkey's foreskin. Steyn understands the responsibility he has undertaken for his views, but also understands the importance of them in the Western world. It may only be himself, a few selective others (barring the BNP) and France who acknowledge this burgeoning trend of mass takeover. I got into a civil discussion with a friend a few months back regarding how the French have dealt with hijabs and niqabs, disallowing them in public. My friend obviously disagreed with this implementation as it opposes the concept of democracy (valid point), but I expressed national security as a valid reason for implementation. I understand that all of the hollering monkeys jump out of their seats at this 'cop-out/excuse/oh come onnnnn', but it is extremely valid. There has got to be a sense of national security as 9/11 and the 7/7 bombings both show, not to mention the failed bombings which succeeded the 7/7 bombings. Not only that, but what about everyday, mundane details. If you work in a bank, you feel safer knowing that there are surveillance cameras operating throughout the day. Now, add hijabs and niqabs to the equation and you have a video tape of a mysterious person in a matte black cloak. Well, let's narrow down who it could be: man or a woman, black/white/asian, fat/thin/medium build. In fact, based on the footage, we'd have to interrogate anyone with a religious connection with islam. Therefore, you have around 3 million Muslims in the United Kingdom to interrogate Mr. CID...better get started (but it's a good thing we have mass immigration, as to keep the benefit system healthy and let's not forget the general stimulation of the economy). The entire concept of CCTV would be redundant if more a more people were adhering to this dress code. This was why I believed the French had every right to do what they did, anyhow. I have yet to read Londonistan by Melanie Phillips, but am looking forward to another unrestrained extended commentary on an extremely pertinent situation which may be threatening our democracy. Finally, when it comes to the issue of mass immigration by radical islamists, I certainly am not looking for intolerance to the extent of violence, nor an ethnic cleansing, but just acknowledgement of a belief system which is taking full advantage of economic prosperity and cultural weakness toward the concept of being 'insensitive'. I will actually write an article, regarding this topic, with my own insights as a British citizen and why I feel people choose indifference over acknowledgement. In the meantime, feel free to comment you bunch of slovenly louts! 

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